Which direction does the SPRINT bike course follow?

After transitioning on the grass towards the BIKE OUT exit, a quick climb awaits you and your bike to get out of the park (have your gears set to easy!). Turning RIGHT from Cantera Way onto San Pedro Road, riders will head north a short distance to the Short Lap turnaround at Biscayne Dr to then head towards the South turnaround at Brickyard Rd. Riders repeat this lap 1 more time North/South for a total of 2 short laps.

Riders then complete 1 LONG LAP from the South turnaround towards the North turnaround at Back Ranch Meadows campground entrance, heading back again towards the South turnaround. After completion of the long lap, riders turn right on Cantera Way to return to the transition area. (refer to sprint bike course map)

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